My Social Backpack
With inspiration from children with experience from the gamer world, we have discovered the possibility of working with 'inventories'. That is, thinking of the play activities as missions or social journeys of discovery, where we have the opportunity to collect a lot of social strategies and qualities in the group that we can store in our 'inventory' and use for later. An inventory can also take the form of a backpack, a list, a folder, or a suitcase. The most important thing is that we have a physical storage place where we can store our collected shared learning. In the process of figuring out what to put in our backpack, we create space for social reflections, and we continuously add to the learning that we pick up along the way.

In the backpack, we place our physical learning metaphors, emojis, and ratings as objects for learning. We use the backpack by asking questions like:
- What did we find today that can be added to our backpack?
- What tools from the backpack did we use today?
- Which tools did we use to collaborate well/bad with each other?
- Did we find what we sought – or did we find something else?
- What can we use from the backpack next time?